
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”493″][vc_custom_heading text=”Federica – 31 years old” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Philosopher%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]

My name is Federica, I’m writing here to testify what good it did to me to enter Dr Corgna’s Pnei world.

I stopped taking contraceptive pills which I had been taking for about 2 years, although I hadn’t been using it for a real need (I was happy to see my breast size had grown).

I stopped it when I broke up with my boyfriend and I didn’t get my period for three months. I felt continuously swollen and I gained 6 kilos in a few months, but I thought it was due to the breaking up and to my sudden moving to another city.

The gynaecologist told me it was just a matter of stress and he suggested some pills to make my period start again.

Luckily, before I decided to start getting filled up with hormones, I met Dr. Corgna, who based her therapy on homeopathic medicines, nutrition and stress managing techniques, which helped me to get over my problem and my period naturally came back after only 20 days from the first examination.

Pnei philosophy and Pnei 4 U method became my lifestyle; now I feel more energetic, calm and optimistic. Thank you.

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My wife and I separated 6 years ago because of my problem. I was too embarrassed to see a doctor and I had been avoiding to meet women for years, because I didn’t want to face this problem.

I went to see Dr. Corgna because I had an overweight problem, due to stress. After a few examinations I understood that my overweight, stress and general malaise and lack of satisfaction were due to that problem.

Today I am completely healed (6 months have passed) and I have already started a new relationship with a woman.

Wow, I would have never imagined that a woman doctor could change my life.

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 I never realised I was suffering from emotional hunger attacks, I never thought of food as an emotional release.

When I started to notice I was putting more weight on, I realised I had to find a solution before it were too late. Dr. Corgna literally saved me before starting ruining my health. She asked me the appropriate questions and knew how to encourage me to see there was something more besides what I was telling her. My social life started again: my first achievements were bringing me strength and desire to keep going on, also my self-esteem was really over the top and I entered a euphoric state that involved whoever came in touch with me!

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It’s nice to hear how many people largely improved their lifestyle with the Pnei philosophy… nothing in comparison to those doctors who are sold to the pharmacy industry. I solved my thyroid problem and entering this world brought me to see life with totally different eyes. Thank you, it’s been a pleasure to meet you.

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I’m a 52-year-old employee and I came across Pnei in a stressful moment, both physical and psychological, and I’m now facing problems related to menopause.

Dr. Corgna helps me to take care of my body and to evolve my soul, helping me to strengthen my character and to face difficult situations in life, learning how to find joy in small things, using Bach flowers and selected naturopathic methods, with her usual competence and generosity.

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My name is Antonio C., I’m 48 years old and I live and work in a small village next to Maiella, Abruzzo, 1100 metres high. I’ve been suffering from a semi-bad form of psoriasis since I was about 18. During all these years I was being taken care of by the best dermatologists in Italy and abroad. I tried various and numerous therapies (Creams, PUVA, thermal treatments associated with UVB therapy, cyclosporine metotraxate etc. …) to reach a normal daily routine, both physical and psychological. Last year, after finishing a therapy using new biological medicines, very well known (Infiximab) that lasted one year, I was suggested to go back to metatraxade, since I couldn’t go on with the other ones for about six months. That would have helped me before I could start the biological medicines again, but I decided to refuse, after thinking about it for some days.

During one of my last hospitalizations where I was going under Infiximab therapy, I met a Sicilian girl who had the same form of psoriasis as I did. She told me about alternative therapies she had tried and made her feel better.

Until that day, I was very skeptical about alternative medicines. When I went back home I started searching for information on the internet about alternative therapies as a cure to psoriasis. Many links came out, but I was immediately caught by the one about PNEI and Dr. Maria Corgna. I carefully read all her CV and about psychoneuroedocrineimmunology. I noted down Dr. Corgna’s email and I wrote her about my suffering with psoriasis, asking her if I could make an appointment with her. After a few days I received her reply, telling me to contact her secretary to make an appointment.

It was the end of July, I was feeling really bad both physically and psychologically, my skin was having a continuous desquamation that caused me a lot of troubles to my movements. I went to the appointment with my brother to her office in the European Hospital in Via Portuense, Rome.

The examination lasted for about an hour and I was prescribed some homeopathic medicine and a diet to be followed till the next appointment. This would help me to cleanse my body. I was surprised at the doctor’s motto “if we are clean inside, we are clean outside as well” and it’s true indeed. When I was going back home, I told my brother that the path to follow was definitely the one indicated by Dr. Corgna with her therapies and methods. I was immediately thrilled by the doctor’s words and I keep having appointments with her and I intend to do so in the future as well.

Her PNEI methods based on homeopathic medicine therapy, daily exercises,  psychological help, a balanced diet and her teachings made haven’t cured me from psoriasis, but I went back to a normal life, my skin nearly got back to a normal status and I don’t have desquamation problems anymore.

I found joy and peace of mind again and I have the strength to calmly face daily problems at work or at home.

I will never stop thanking Dr Corgna for her suggestions and curing methods.

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My name is Sabrina, I’m 43 years old, I’m married and I have three children. I came across Pnei about 2 years ago and I have found in it the right connection to what I really was looking for and believed in.

I hadn’t been feeling very well for a long time, something in my body was going wrong… I had several disturbances, all different from each other… I couldn’t connect them to any particular illness, but, as a matter of fact, they were blocking me, stopping me to live the best way, to enjoy that energy that allowed me to face life with serenity. It felt like always going uphill having the handbrake on. I realised those disturbances were the natural and logical response my body gave to the stress I was going through. I was having continuous headaches, increase in weight, asthma, allergies, an exaggerated need for carbohydrates, chronic tiredness, etc… All this was affecting both my body and my mind. I had to put a stop to it… I needed to take action. I absolutely needed to see a doctor, but I didn’t know which specialist I needed, one for each of my problems? What would I be prescribed by each of them? A medicine for each disorder? Would they cure every symptom I had or would they find the reason why I had them, as I hoped? I wanted to be cured, but I didn’t want to be intoxicated by medicines, in that case I would have wanted natural therapies. I was suggested to try Pnei by someone who tried it successfully. I have found in it the vision of me as an “entire figure”, a sort of global therapeutic hug that guided me to balance, following at the same time a personalized diet, physical exercise, mental techniques and acupuncture. Professor Corgna knows how to listen to people and to find the best path for them to follow. I have tested it on my children as well.

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I am 25 years old and I have discovered thyroiditis 4 years ago and for 4 years I had been taking Eutirox 75! That pill made me feel well physically but after I met Dr. Corgna, I had been feeling very good also psychologically and this is the most important thing, because a peaceful state of mind reflects enormously on the physical health status.

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“Dear Maria, I should go to your office for the first check up tomorrow. I cancelled the appointment a few days ago, because I started the diet and the therapy only in the middle of last month (not the jogging yet, because it’s too hot). Anyway I am seeing the first results that are very encouraging, in my opinion (Garattini would say it’s the placebo effect…). I’m going to inform you about them.

My weight, 81 kilos in the middle of July, now it’s between 76 and 77, even with some breaking of the rules (who doesn’t like doing it?)

I feel very well, sometimes euphoric,

The drowsiness after lunch has disappeared. I have improved my performances and progresses.

I have more enthusiasm in doing things, even in the daily routine.

My skin’s itches and greasiness have nearly disappeared.

Even spending many hours in front of the computer, my eye has nearly stopped watering.

My stomach is softer, I feel less swollen, my intestine is regular, my urination is frequent… like a river.

The use of Foradil for my asthma attacks went from a 3-to-4-day period, instead of every 2 days.

The afternoon hunger has been calmed down with some fruit or rice bread sticks. In my diet I also use unleavened bread and soya milk (can I?).

My joint pains, which had increased in the first part of the year, have impressively decreased in their frequency.
