Maria Corgna

M.D. Endocrinologist

Immunologist, Nutritionist and Acupuncturist

Lecturer and expert in Pnei (Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology)

Founder and president of the Pneisystem Academy Communication between Systems ®


Maria Corgna
Maria Corgna
endocrinologist acupuncturist natural medicine in Rome


Endocrinology specialist

Pre-graduate internship at US universities and hospitals (St. Luke hospital, New York city hospital, Houston medical center).

First experimental thesis in acupuncture discussed at the “la sapienza” university in Rome, supervisor: Prof Pasquale Salmaggi title: “treatment of dysmenorrhea through acupuncture” (110 cum laude).

Specialization in acupuncture from Prof. Maurice Mussat of paris.

Experimental work object of the degree thesis under the supervision of Doctor Franco Menichelli in Rome.

Diploma in acupuncture at the end of the three-year course held by Prof. Mussat in Rome.

Specialization in “endocrinology and metabolic diseases” – Prof. Renato Lauro “2nd university of Rome tor vergata”.

Master in Morphodynamic Aesthetic Surgery, University of Milan.

classic homeopathy course prof. antonio negro.

Classical homeopathy course Prof. Antonio Santini.

Three-year diploma in homotoxicology.

Diploma of homotoxicology teacher.

Three-year diploma in electroacupuncture according to vol.

Bach flower therapy course.

Qualification for teaching autogenic training.

Teacher and tutor A.I.O.T.. of psychoneuroendocrinology since 1995 (Italian association of homeopathy and homotoxicological clinic which brings together over 45,000 sympathetic doctors oriented towards the use of biological natural medicine).

Member of the scientific board of A.I.O.T. (Italian association of homotoxicology).

Member of the scientific board of sipnei (Italian society of psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology) until 2012.

PNEI professor accredited to teaching homeopathy and homotoxicology by the order of doctors of Rome (non-conventional medicine department).


Registered in the register of homotoxicologists of the order of doctors of Rome.

Supervisor of the final theses of the three-year postgraduate course in homotoxicology.

Pnei lecturer in the master of biological medicine at the higher institute of studisanitari, a center that collaborates with the WHO 1997-1999.

Pnei master’s lecturer of high level university education in therapy and biological medicine with a focus on phytotherapeutic – homotoxicology at the University of Calabria. (1999-2006).

Speaker at the world conferences of homeopathy Capri and Urbino 1997-1998.

Interpreter AIIC (international association of conference interpreters) languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French, Russian.

Member of the world federation of scientists.

University Master in Morphodynamic Aesthetic Surgery, University of Milan (Professor Luigi Donati Chair of Plastic Surgery).

Bls diploma (basic life support).

ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support for Surgeons) Diploma from the American College of Surgeons.

Pnei teacher – advanced training course in sociology of health “University of Bologna” 2007-2008.

Since 2005 he has been a lecturer in specialization courses in pnei reserved for doctors.

Since 2007 author of the “pneiworld” column for “medibio – biological medicine”.

In 2008 author of the work “pnei … to whom?” new ipsa publisher. first popular work on pnei for the general public.

Master lecturer in organic nutrition at “the university of cosenza” 2009-2010.

Teacher of post-graduate training course in pnei at the “university of rome and bologna” year 2010

Member of the commission on stress at the order of doctors of Rome in 2010.

Professor of the postgraduate course of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Milan on “biological regulation and complementary medicines” 2010-2011.

“University of Cosenza” master teacher in biological and cosmeceutical nutrition 2010-2011.

2013 chairman of the teaching council of the second level master: new horizons of well-being: pnei and integrated therapeutic process – universities of calabria and florence (unical and unifi).

2013 teacher of postgraduate course in psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology – University of Milan.

2014 Adjunct Professor – University of Parma.

2014 creator of the innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methodology pneisystem™.

2014 author of the work “pneisystem™” new ipsa publisher.

2015 completion of the jose silva method training course: basic, advanced, ultra and regressions course.

2015 creation of pneisystem™ equilibrium dance: Argentine dances, Latin dances, Caribbean dances and standard dances as a source of body awareness and emotional balance.

2016 birth of the pneisystem™ academy.

2016 creation of pneisystem™ energy trekking & forest bathing

2017 author of the work “pnei: mind & body in harmony, your journey in 21 days to regain well-being” editions of lswr.

2019 member of the fids scientific commission (italian federation of sports dances)

2020 creation of the training project “pneisystem™ and therapeutic use of the voice”

2021 Beginning of collaboration with SINW (Italian Nordic Walking Society) affiliated with CONI.

2023 Registration with patent of the Pneisystem method, Communication between Systems – Integrated Diagnosis and Systemic Therapies

Maria Corgna

+ 39 3929529821


Via Portuense 476 - 00149 Rm

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