
The tension-type headache is the most common among headaches. It is characterized by an oppressive-constrictive type of pain in the head, often associated with an increased toning up of the head muscles and / or the neck muscles.

The term “tension” comes from observations, now outdated, for which the pain seemed to come from the contraction of the muscles of the head or neck. It is currently believed that tension-type headaches do not have a single definite cause.

In fact they often have a methabolic, allergic or neurologic base.

The PNEI SYSTEM is an innovative therapeutic strategy that starts from the healing of the “symptom” for which the patient sees the PNEI System doctor for an intensive therapy in the conventional sense (through the use of both academic conventional therapies and homotoxicology and low dose therapy) which is also associated to other critical aspects of health restoration such as nutrition (alkaline and biological) and physical activity (optimization of posture, a key element for health).

Further more patients are taught simple and innovative strategies to reach boosted emotional states which will allow them to drastically change negative psychological states with beneficial effects on quality of life (emotions, work, profession) together with the belief that it is possible to be healed.
